Last updated
December 16, 2009
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The register of designations of origin (PDO) and geographical indications (PGI) allows the region names and traditional designations of agricultural products to be protected (with the exception of wine), where the quality and the main characteristics of the products are determined by their geographical origin. If a name is protected, it can only be used by producers in the specified geographical region, who must comply with a detailed requirements specification. The purpose of protecting certain designations of agricultural products is to prevent consumers from being exposed to fraud and, in the interests of farmers, to stop unfair competition relating to the use of the designations. The rules in this area allow for the mutual recognition of quality products by Switzerland and the European Union. There are four categories: cheese, meat products, products of plant origin and spirits. The register of designations of origin currently contains around 30 different products and new ones are frequently being added.


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Issued date
December 16, 2009
Modified date
December 16, 2009
Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft
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