Ultimo aggiornamento
agosto 24,2023
Condizioni d'uso
Libero utilizzo. Indicazione della fonte obbligatoria.


The Swiss FluxNet Site Lägeren is a managed mixed deciduous mountain forest located on the steep Lägeren mountain (NW of Zurich, Swiss Plateau). The forest is highly diverse, dominated by beech, but also including ash, maple, spruce and fir trees. Eddy covariance flux measurements were started in April 2004. The site was part of the international CarboEurope IP network and the National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (NABEL). In addition to Swiss FluxNet, the site is part of the Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research (LWF) of WSL and the biological drought and growth indicator network (TreeNet) of WSL.


  • Ecosystem flux measurements of CO2, H2O vapour are performed with the eddy-covariance method. This method is based on measurements of trace gas mixing ratios, using infrared gas analyzers (for CO2, H2O vapor), combined with wind speed and wind direction measurements, using 3D sonic anemometers. To resolve the short-term turbulent fluctuations in the atmosphere, very fast measurements are needed: we measure at 10-20 Hz, i.e., 10-20 times per second. To assess the energy budget of each ecosystem, also radiation sensors and soil climate profiles are installed at the site.
  • Sub-canopy eddy fluxes (CO2, H2O), soil respiration campaigns
  • Continuous CO2 profile measurements.
  • Auxiliary micrometeorology and soil climate measurements.

Data availability

All data are available from the European Fluxes Database Cluster, but are also part of Fluxnet2015 dataset.

Data policy

ICOS data license: https://www.icos-cp.eu/data-services/about-data-portal/data-license

Detailed site info: https://www.swissfluxnet.ethz.ch/index.php/sites/ch-lae-laegeren/site-info-ch-lae//


Informazioni aggiuntive

Data di rilascio
agosto 9,2023
Data di modifica
agosto 24,2023
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